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Department Information

So, you are new to being a geography subject leader and have little/no geography knowledge. Do not worry! You just need to create a strategy.



1. Who is in your team?

2. Complete a staff subject knowledge audit

3.Complete a geography resources audit

4. How is geography taught in your school?

5. Read the Geography National Curriculum

6. Brush up on anything you do not know

7. Collate the information > create a strategy 

8. Look at the 3I's

9. Find out if you have a geography budget (if you do not have a budget - see my tip below).


Leading Primary Geography

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Remember- Simplicity is the key!

  • Keep it super simple. Make sure you have a clear geography vision/intent.

  • Give your team the resources they need to complete each lesson

  • If geography is not your strongest subject- that is okay. Just brush up on your geographical knowledge. 

  • Complete lots of skills and fieldwork techniques

  • Create an environment where children and staff love learning geography


If you need a guide to help you - see my resource below

Leading Primary Geography

Information covered

  • Where do I start?

  • Geography Subject Knowledge Audit pdf

  • Subject Knowledge Quiz & Answers

  • Geography Resources Audit

  • How is Geography taught in your school?

  • Geography Checklist

  • Background information about being a Geography subject leader

  • What makes an effective leader?

  • How do I create a scheme of work?

  • What is your vision?

  • How to create a cohesive department

  • Ofsted & The geography department

  • What did I implement?

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Subject Leader

What makes a good subject leader?

1. Have a clear vision

2. Create a strategy

3. Brush up on your geographical knowledge

4. Know the National Curriculum inside and out

5. Create an engaging curriculum

6. Understand the strengths & weaknesses in your team

7. Equip your team with the correct resources

8. Encourage learning outside of the classroom

9. Have regular team meetings- listen and adapt

10. Be kind to yourself- it takes year to create a thriving geography department. 

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High-quality geography lessons across the school and the children are fully prepared for Key Stage 3.

Question -‘ I don’t have a Geography budget’. What do I do?

1. Complete a Geography resource audit.

2. Look at your ‘school improvement plan’.

3. Create a wish list- justify why you need new resources (try to link to the SIP-solve a weakness). Add prices.

4. Ask management for funding- negotiate. You need a detailed plan and outcomes. Remember Ofsted are looking for up to date resources (esp Atlases and globes).

5. No funding available- contact the PTFA. It is better to help out for a few hours at the Christmas fair etc than try to create a whole curriculum.

6. Have a raffle/cake sale - easy way to make a couple of hundred pounds. Ask the parent’s to donate prizes.

I will add more information throughout the year

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My intention is to create high quality resources, to help teachers take control of their workload, help reduce stress & enable their children to Love Learning Geography.

© Love Learning Geography 

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